History At Home

Connecting with the history of Bonner County can happen anytime and anywhere. We have resources for you to bring history to life in your own home. Dig deep into all the ways you can adventure.

At-Home Historians for ideas, inspiration and activities for ages 11 and up.

Young Explorers activities are designed for children under 10.

Connecting the Past to the Present is for historians of all ages.

Foraging, Part 2
Young Explorers Rebekah L Davis Young Explorers Rebekah L Davis

Foraging, Part 2

As my sons were playing in the grass after days of stop and go rain, we were enjoying all the green around us. My oldest son noticed a little brighter shade of green standing out, and plucked his first fir tip off of a young fir tree.

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Walk through History
At-Home Historians Rebekah L Davis At-Home Historians Rebekah L Davis

Walk through History

Now that the weather is getting nicer and walking through town seems like an option. It is a great time to consider going on a historic walking tour of Sandpoint. The walking tour can be downloaded to your phone to make navigation easy.

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Trees as old as time
Connecting Past and Present Rebekah L Davis Connecting Past and Present Rebekah L Davis

Trees as old as time

My first spring in Sandpoint, I visited a friend at her cabin, and she wouldn’t let me leave without a visit to “the big tree.” The property behind her home turned into a mass of creek channels during spring run-off, and she lent me thigh-high muck boots to slog through the frigid water.

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The Dig
Young Explorers Rebekah L Davis Young Explorers Rebekah L Davis

The Dig

When I was five years old, I knew I wanted to be an archaeologist when I grew up (spoiler alert, this didn't exactly happen). Regardless, I had a passion for digging in the dirt hoping to discover treasures connected to the past.

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Creepiest Object
At-Home Historians Rebekah L Davis At-Home Historians Rebekah L Davis

Creepiest Object

The Yorkshire Museum recently challenged curators around the world to a #curatorbattle to showcase the #creepiestobject in their collections. Museums are sharing these objects on social media for the public to enjoy at home.

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Through their eyes: children during the Spanish influenza
Rebekah L Davis Rebekah L Davis

Through their eyes: children during the Spanish influenza

The Bonner County Historical Society has created a portal where you can share your stories, photos, and artifacts about the COVID-19 experience. Your personal histories will be archived in the Museum’s collections so that years from now you can remember what it was like, and so that future generations can understand what we are all going through.

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