Traveling Trunks
Built on the concept of engaging students in primary sources, traveling trunks supplement textbooks in new and exciting ways. Each trunk contains hands-on objects, maps, artifacts, primary source documents, and lesson plans which provide an exciting exploration into various parts of history and locations throughout Bonner County.
Traveling Trunk FAQs
What is a Traveling Trunk?
Bonner County History Museum’s Traveling Trunks is a program that offers interested teachers the opportunity to borrow free materials on teaching Idaho State and Bonner County History. The purpose is to supplement their existing curriculum and fulfill Common Core standards.
What’s inside each trunk?
Each trunk contains objects and lessons pertaining specifically to the subject of the trunk. Some trunks also include photos, videos or maps.
How can the trunk materials be used in a classroom?
The possibilities are endless. Each trunk is designed to be customized to fit your needs.
What does it cost to borrow a trunk?
There is no cost to borrow the trunk. The cost of each trunk has been covered by the following sponsors: Sandpoint Super Drug, Eves Leaves, and Lakeview Funeral Home.
Who can borrow a trunk?
Any school in Bonner County, including public, private, charter and home school.
How can a teacher borrow a trunk?
The trunks are available on a first come, first serve basis. Please call (208) 263-2344 to schedule a trunk for your classroom.
Where does a teacher pick up a trunk?
We will deliver the trunk to you. This gives us a chance to review the materials with you and answer any questions you may have.
How long may a teacher keep the trunk in the classroom?
Two weeks per classroom.
How can a teacher return the trunk?
Please call (208) 263-2344 to make arrangements for pick up. Alternatively, arrangements may be made at the time of delivery.
Does the museum require a teacher to complete an evaluation form?
Feedback is key to improving our project. The short evaluation form online will help us refine our efforts to enhance the trunks. If you prefer, you can also print and fill out a hard copy from the flash drive included in the trunk.
Who should a teacher contact with specific questions or comments?
You can contact the museum at (208) 236-2344, or email us at info@bonnercountyhistory.org
How can I support the Traveling Trunk project?
There is a cost to assemble, maintain, and deliver each Traveling Trunk, which are covered by local sponsors—please thank them! Contact us if you would like to sponsor a trunk.
Available Trunks
Native Americans in Idaho